Our History

ESS is committed to being a good neighbor and maintaining outstanding relations with the people and local communities in which we do business.
ESS includes our Alaskan native corporations, villages and individuals in the ownership of the catering, housekeeping and facility support services business.
Our Joint Venture businesses not only provide services to our clients, but lead by example in establishing progressive native relations

Corporate conscience
ESS Support Services is the leading support services organization to clients in the oil & gas, construction, remote and defense industries. By partnering with a corporate organization that possesses the stability inherent in an annual turnover of more than $21 billion and in a ranking as the 13th largest private sector employer in the world (Fortune Magazine 2007), our clients benefit from project execution certainty and skills based on real world experiences.

Over 24 Joint Venture agreements ongoing with ESS
• ESS earned Gold Level Progressive Aboriginal Relations Program
• ESS is a Founding Sponsor of the Aboriginal Hall of Fame
• Serves over 50,000 meals daily in Alberta Oil Sands, to over 17,000 workers
• ESS JVs are respectful of our partner’s traditional territories